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StatX Thermal/Manual Generators (marine)

Stat-X® fire suppression systems with thermal/manual operation are stand-alone units. Their own patented detection mechanism is incorporated, eliminating the need for separate detection, and releasing controls. 

The thermal feature of Stat-X thermal/manual units provide the fire detection and automatic activation. The heat detector installed on the unit is preset to activate the unit when the ambient temperature reaches a predetermined point. When this occurs, the affected unit discharges, filling the space with Stat-X condensed aerosol, quickly suppressing the fire. 

On the manual side of the thermal/manual units, the units can also be activated manually by a cable pull that is installed under a protective cover at one or more of the entry locations to the space. If multiple units are installed, the cable pull, in most instances, activates all of the units creating a total flooding of the space with Stat-X condensed aerosol. The total flooding application of Stat-X quickly suppresses all flaming combustion and extinguishes the fire. Further, the agent remains suspended for several minutes providing reflash protection.
  • Effective Agent Performance: Highly effective based on required density
  • Compact Modular Design: Offering adaptable design especially when space and weight are critical
  • Simple and Economic Installation: No expensive labour-intensive piping is required
  • Durable: Ideal for harsh environments and remote locations
  • Long service life: Service life of fifteen (15) years
  • Virtually Maintenance Free
  • Environmentally Friendly: EPA SNAP Listed for normally occupied and unoccupied spaces
  • Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) and zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) based on the EPA SNAP list inclusion
  • Compact Modular Design
  • Model 30T
    Aerosol Mass: 30 grams
    Weight: 0.3 kg
    Length: 109 mm
    Diameter: 51 mm
    Discharge Time: 8 seconds
  • Model 60T (long)
    Aerosol Mass: 60 grams
    Weight: 0.49 kg
    Length: 155 mm
    Diameter: 51 mm
    Discharge Time: 8.5 seconds
  • Model 100T
    Aerosol Mass: 100 grams 
    Weight: 0.827 kg
    Length: 152 mm
    Diameter: 76 mm
    Discharge Time: 11.5 seconds
  • Model 250T
    Aerosol Mass: 250 grams
    Weight: 2.48 kg
    Length: 168 mm
    Diameter: 127 mm
    Discharge Time: 12 seconds
  • Model 250MT
    Aerosol Mass: 250 grams
    Weight: 1.28 kg
    Length: 202 mm
    Diameter: 76 mm
    Discharge Time: 18 seconds
  • Model 500T
    Aerosol Mass: 500 grams
    Weight: 3.43 kg
    Length: 218 mm
    Diameter: 127 mm
    Discharge Time: 21 seconds
  • Model 1000MT
    Aerosol Mass: 1000 grams
    Weight: 5.54 kg 
    Length: 333 mm
    Diameter: 127 mm
    Discharge Time: 25 seconds
  • Operation/Storage Parameters:
    Temperature: -0°C to +54°C 
    Relative Humidity: up to 98% at +35°C
  • Effective Agent Performance: Highly effective based on required density
  • Compact Modular Design: Offering adaptable design especially when space and weight are critical
  • Simple and Economic Installation: No expensive labour-intensive piping is required
  • Durable: Ideal for harsh environments and remote locations
  • Long service life: Service life of fifteen (15) years
  • Virtually Maintenance Free
  • Environmentally Friendly: EPA SNAP Listed for normally occupied and unoccupied spaces
  • Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) and zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) based on the EPA SNAP list inclusion
  • Compact Modular Design
  • Model 30T
    Aerosol Mass: 30 grams
    Weight: 0.3 kg
    Length: 109 mm
    Diameter: 51 mm
    Discharge Time: 8 seconds
  • Model 60T (long)
    Aerosol Mass: 60 grams
    Weight: 0.49 kg
    Length: 155 mm
    Diameter: 51 mm
    Discharge Time: 8.5 seconds
  • Model 100T
    Aerosol Mass: 100 grams 
    Weight: 0.827 kg
    Length: 152 mm
    Diameter: 76 mm
    Discharge Time: 11.5 seconds
  • Model 250T
    Aerosol Mass: 250 grams
    Weight: 2.48 kg
    Length: 168 mm
    Diameter: 127 mm
    Discharge Time: 12 seconds
  • Model 250MT
    Aerosol Mass: 250 grams
    Weight: 1.28 kg
    Length: 202 mm
    Diameter: 76 mm
    Discharge Time: 18 seconds
  • Model 500T
    Aerosol Mass: 500 grams
    Weight: 3.43 kg
    Length: 218 mm
    Diameter: 127 mm
    Discharge Time: 21 seconds
  • Model 1000MT
    Aerosol Mass: 1000 grams
    Weight: 5.54 kg 
    Length: 333 mm
    Diameter: 127 mm
    Discharge Time: 25 seconds
  • Operation/Storage Parameters:
    Temperature: -0°C to +54°C 
    Relative Humidity: up to 98% at +35°C